
Student Management System


Table of Contents

Introduction Features System Requirements Installation Usage Interface Description Future Enhancements Author License


The Student Management System is a desktop-based Java application designed to manage student records efficiently. It allows the user to add, update, delete, search, and display student information in a structured tabular format. The application aims to simplify student data management for academic administrators and tutors.


Add Student Record: Insert a new student’s information, including name, student number, course, and marks. Update Marks: Modify the marks of an existing student. Delete Student Record: Remove a student’s information from the system. Search Student Records: Search for students by name, student number, or course. View Student List: Display all student records in a table format for easy viewing. Exit Application: Safely close the program. System Requirements Operating System: Windows, Linux, or macOS Java Development Kit (JDK): Version 8 or above IDE (Optional): IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, or NetBeans RAM: Minimum 2GB Storage: At least 50MB of free space Installation Download the source code or clone the repository using the following command: bash Copy code git clone Open the project in your preferred IDE or compile it using the terminal. Compile and Run using the following commands: bash Copy code javac java Main Ensure that all necessary dependencies are properly configured (if any). Usage Adding a New Student:

Enter the student’s name, student number, course, and marks in the input fields. Click the Add button to save the record. Updating Marks:

Select the student from the table. Modify the marks in the input field. Click the Update Marks button to apply the changes. Deleting a Student Record:

Select the student from the table. Click the Delete button to remove the record. Searching for a Student:

Enter the search criteria in the relevant field. Click Search to filter the records based on the entered data. Exiting the Application:

Click the Exit button to close the application safely. Interface Description The graphical user interface (GUI) is divided into two sections:

Input Panel:

Name: Text field for the student’s name. Student No.: Text field for the student number. Course: Text field for the course. Marks: Text field for the student’s marks. Action Buttons: Add: Adds a new student record. Update Marks: Updates the marks for a selected student. Delete: Deletes the selected student’s record. Search: Searches for students based on the entered criteria. Exit: Closes the application. Table View:

Displays all student records with the following columns:

ID: Unique identifier for each student. Student Name: Name of the student. Student Number: Student’s registration number. Course: Course the student is enrolled in. Marks: Current marks of the student. Future Enhancements Database Integration: Store student records in an external database (e.g., MySQL). Export Feature: Enable exporting student data to Excel or CSV files. Authentication System: Add user authentication for secure access. Report Generation: Generate reports for student performance automatically. Author This project was developed by My group teams as part of a student management solution. Please feel free to reach out for suggestions or feedback.

License This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.